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Heathpatch and AJ Pratt and Sons are please to announce the launch of Brett Vale Farming Company Limited on 1st of June 2021. A joint venture which combines years of knowledge, expertise and machinery to provide high quality contract farming services to the shareholders’ land and their clients.

Charles Course, Director commented, ‘This is a great opportunity for Heathpatch to restructure our farming business, with our trusted neighbours that we have worked closely with for many years. Combining the two businesses, will help us to further reduce our operating costs, at the same time as improving our timeliness, which will lead to an overall reduction in our costs of production. It is also helping us to take a bolder approach to expanding environmental schemes across the land we farm; which will help the environment and biodiversity. A key feature of our approach is to farm regular shaped fields for crop production and to devote headland, short work and uneconomic areas to biodiversity’.

Oliver Pratt, Director commented, 'Starting Brett Vale Farming Company alongside our close neighbours adds security to our farming businesses in times of growing uncertainty. It enables reduced costs of production whilst bringing more efficiency to our operations. On a personal note, it is a dream opportunity to be able to manage a farm I've spent alot of time on growing up whilst also being able to run the farm which has been in my family for nearly 100 years. Our aim is to farm harmoniously with wildlife and nature whilst still bringing maximum profit to our shareholders. With our experienced, enthusiastic team at BVFC we can offer whole farm contracting and one off contract operations as well as help and advice to our customers

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